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Design Coding


Design codes can be a design quality, design performance and place-making tool with more teeth and capacity for local detail or level of required outcomes than policy and guidance. They firm up design and process outcomes by making them more precise and less legally flexible through a range of mechanisms.


This greater certainty in outcome is attractive, especially for local stakeholders perhaps, but does require a deep understanding of the relevant design and delivery systems, evidence, and much local context understanding and testing.    


We have co-developed design codes with our clients through detailed analyses and design workshops and tested the draft codes through the use of interactive to-scale 3D models and dialogues with landowner teams. We provide the necessary planning strategy links into planning policy and/or detailed design stages securing robust delivery paths. 


We have co-developed and written the following Design Codes: 


+ Finsbury Park Station Quarter, London | Draft | NPlan | National Code Pathfinder Programme   

+ Cross Lane Fields Masterplan, Parameter Plans and Design Codes for 31 custom and

   self-build homes, Harpenden | OPA, Planning Conditions, Plot Passports, Section 106 

+ Shenley NPlan and Design Codes, Hertsmere | NPlan + NPlan and Code Compliance Checklist 

+ Look! St Albans Design Codes, St Albans | Informal Guidance for Look! St Albans and the Prince's Foundation 

+ Hightown East Village Design Codes, Luton | SPD | for Urban Initiatives     


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"I commend the quality and the clarity of aspirations set out in the Design Principles and Code - it is some of the best design guidance I have seen and is particularly well illustrated." 

John Slater | Independent Examiner

Finsbury Park Station Quarter Design Codes, Draft, 2023 | Design Code Pathfinder Programme 2022/23 | Work in Progress 
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Cross Lane Fields Masterplan, Parameter Plans and Design Codes for 31 custom and self-build homes, 100% Certified Passivhaus | Harpenden | Client | Lansdown Land and Development 
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Shenley Neighbourhood Plan and Code | Design Day Code Testing | 2021 | Adopted 2021
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